Tuesday, October 7, 2008

21st birthday?

any ideas to celebrate 21st birthday?
ive got a budget cause ive to save for hongkong.
so prolly bbq and chillax at some chilly places like dempsy with my girlies.
any ideas where to order yummylicious cake and affordable?

work's fine and i still got 7 days leave to clear before year end.
hooray i gotta rest and nuaaa at home..

recently there's nothing nice on the racks and since after my trip to land of trannies, i find no interest in far east clothes and ive not bought anything from there since april.
everything is overpriced here. duh!

So after HongKong i think i wun be spending money in singapore after going to shopping paradise 1 and shopping paradise 2.

faster 5th of JAN@!! cant wait.


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