Cant get cheap rates for Langham because of the Toy fair in HongKong from the 5th - 8th.
Just nice the dates we are going, so rates for hotels are higher.
Will defintely stay there if there is a another chance, most probably with my mum cause she sms me yesterday after i told her about the trip and she replied me:"i also want to go! "
so cute of her, its been a long time since me and my mum spend time tgt just 2 of us.
the last time was when i was 13? We went to HongKong when she was having a boutique in Indonesia and we went to get clothes for her shop.
I totally miss my mummy, how i wish she can stay in Singapore and not flying back and fro so often.
Cant wait for 1st sept !!!! I LOVE YOU MUMMY
back to the tv! ciao